Service Desk
Support your customers witha range of powerful tools Request a demo

Quickly and easily handle your customer’s
enquiries, issues and requests
We initially developed our Service Desk for our own internal use, and we couldn’t live without it, that’s why we’re sharing it
with all our B2B clients who handle large amounts of enquiries that need to be resolved quickly.
Leading features

Track customer enquiries and issues
- Allow your clients to create ticket requests
- Control ticket priorities so your team knows what to tackle first
- Assign statuses so you and your clients know how close to completion a task is
- Images or videos can be added to tickets easily for better understanding of client issues
- Add important documents or contracts to tickets, avoiding the use of e mail

Integrated communications
- Use ‘Live Chat’ to communicate with your clients in one place
- Utilize our ticketing system to eliminate the need for e mails
- Add an FAQ section for your clients to reduce common enquiries
- Try ‘Secret Chat’, which adds comments to a ticket without the client’s knowledge
- Create requests for clients so they can follow-up

Cross-department and inter-office connectivity
- Add different departments to the Service Desk
- Give separate permissions to different departments and people
- Allow all global offices and employees to work together in one place
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