
The key to the FX industry

Helpful advices | 09 March 2023

Introducing Brokers (IBs), or affiliates, are the ultimate asset when it comes to growing your forex brokerage. At FX Back Office, we’ve got the tools to help your IBs take their business to the next level.

Introducing Brokers (IBs), or affiliates, are perhaps one of the most important elements of the forex business. Simply put, IBs and affiliates are individuals who introduce would-be forex investors to a brokerage. They’re your gateway to new clients, to new markets and to growth.

Keeping your affiliates happy is therefore key to running a successful brokerage.

A competitive market

Great IBs are in high demand, every brokerage needs them on their side, so attracting and keeping your affiliates and partners is the name of the game. Brokerages do this through all sorts of programs, incentives and more. From higher commissions, to commissions on 4th or 5th level referrals, to reduced (or no) transfer or deposit fees and all sorts of special conditions, IBs are being chased by brokerages around the world.

Creating the ultimate IB environment

“It’s business, it’s not personal.” While we’d never discount the role that a great account manager can play, most IBs and affiliates are looking for more than a great personal relationship. They’re looking to build their business, to grow, to find new clients and, let’s face it, to make money.

While you can do all the above, you can offer them the best rates, the deepest commissions, are you offering them the best tools to grow their business?

Here’s where we step in.

The best IB and affiliate area in the business

Our Partners Area, where your IBs will interact with your systems, offers the ultimate tools when it comes to helping them bring in new business. We understand what IBs need and we’ve created a suite of systems that will help them quickly and easily create unique marketing materials, where they can create and manage their campaigns, closely monitor their referrals, volumes and commissions. Within the Partners Area, they can access tools to help them create banners in various sizes and languages and view accurate statistics, allowing them to see what campaigns are working, and which aren’t.

A comprehensive suite of tools

Within our dedicated Partners Area, your IBs will be able to:

  • Request multiple IB accounts
  • See their application status for each IB account
  • See their IB agreements at all times
  • Edit information in their IB account
  • View detailed reports and performance statistics
  • View clicks and registrations relating to each campaign
  • Select and use an unlimited amount of banners for their campaigns

The IB area within our Partners Area has been designed from the ground up to be easy to use and intuitive. We’re here to support your IBs, not get in their way. Your IBs will be able to get to work and grow their business without having to navigate through uncooperative software or making endless call to your managers.

Offer your IBs the industry’s best IB environment and watch their business, and yours, grow.